Population Served: Personas mayores
Área de servicios: Northern Colorado
Sitio web: https://www.carepool.us/
Número de teléfono: 1-833-268-2688
Service Details
Carepool provides door-through-door, non-emergency medical transportation in Northern Colorado. Their service was made to serve post-procedure, aging, and disabled riders in urban and rural areas. Carepool works with Managed Care Providers to offer rideshare transportation to Medicare and Medicaid patients. Wheelchair vehicles are available upon request when scheduling a ride. Most drivers have a healthcare background or are trained in CPR and First Aid.
Older adults or people with a disability. Rides are provided to and/or from healthcare facilities.
Based on distance. Riders may be billed to insurance payers, Medicaid and Medicare Programs, and private pay.
Horario de servicios
Rides can be scheduled on-demand or reoccurring rides up to 6 months.
Área de servicios: Wellington
Sitio web: https://www.townofwellington.com/171/Senior-Resource-Center
Phone Number 970-817-2293
Service Details
The Wellington Senior Center provides transportation to and from the Senior Center for free within a 15-mile radius. Rides are also available to and from Fort Collins for medical-related appointments and COVID vaccinations. Local pick up for groceries, mail, and prescriptions can also be facilitated through the Wellington Senior Center.
A requested donation of $2 per ride/trip is appreciated.
Horario de servicios
Please contact the Wellington Senior Center staff for additional details.

Área de servicios: Ault, Dacono, Estes Park, Firestone, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Gilcrest, Hudson, Johnstown, Keenesburg, Kersey, La Salle, Nunn, Platteville
Sitio web: https://viacolorado.org/
Call center: 303-444-3043
Español 303-447-9636 presione el numero 6
TTY Colorado State Relay Service 1-800-659-2656 or 7-1-1
Dirección de correo electrónico: info@viacolorado.org
Service Details
Via Mobility Services is a demand-response non-profit transportation provider operating in portions of Weld, Larimer, and other Front Range counties including Estes Valley in Larimer County, and Ault, Dacono, Firestone, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Gilcrest, Hudson, Johnstown, Kersey, Keenesburg, LaSalle, Nunn, Platteville and certain unincorporated portions of Weld County. Drivers can escort riders door-through-door and assist them on and off the vehicle.
Eligibility is based on the community you reside in. Please contact a Via Mobility Specialist to determine eligibility.
Weld County: Free | Estes Park $6.00 one-way, Reduced fare: $3.00 one-way.
Horario de servicios
Lunes a viernes, 8 am a 4:30 pm
Los viajes deben ser programados de 1 a 7 días por adelantado. Los viajes se llevan a cabo dependiendo de la disponibilidad y por orden de llegada.

Área de servicios: Fort Collins, Loveland
Sitio web: http://www.saintvolunteertransportation.org
Número de teléfono: 970-223-8604
Service Details
SAINT Volunteer Transportation is a demand-response non-profit volunteer driver organization operating in Fort Collins and Loveland. SAINT provides fare-free door-to-door and door-through-door rides for their clients. Rides generally must start and end in the same community; SAINT serves riders in Fort Collins to Fort Collins destinations and riders in Loveland to Loveland destinations. Service is not provided between Fort Collins and Loveland.
Clients must live within the service area boundaries for adults (age 18+) with a disability and adults aged 60 or older who can walk to and from and get in and out of a vehicle with no more than an arm assist and/or a light walker.
Horario de servicios
Lunes a viernes, 8:15 am a 4 pm
Los viajes pueden ser programados para el mes en curso y el mes siguiente. Los viajes son programados según el orden de llegada de la solicitud. Los programadores están disponibles para tomar reservaciones de lunes a viernes entre las 8:00 am y las 12:00 pm.

Área de servicios: Berthoud
Sitio web: https://www.berthoudraft.org
Número de teléfono: 970-532-0808
Service Details
The Rural Alternative for Transportation (RAFT) is a demand-response non-profit volunteer driver organization operating in the Berthoud Fire Protection District. RAFT provides fare-free door-to-door and door-through-door rides to Berthoud, Loveland, Longmont and adjacent areas for their clients. In most cases, volunteer drivers use their personal vehicles, but RAFT also has a wheelchair accessible van available as needed.
RAFT’s services are available for adults (aged 18 and older) living with a disability and adults over 60 who may not drive living in the Berthoud Fire Protection District. New riders can register by calling (970) 532-0808.
No se cobran tarifas, pero se aceptan donaciones.
Horario de servicios
Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm
Los viajes deben programarse al menos tres días antes del viaje solicitado y se recomienda hacer las reservaciones con anticipación. Las reservaciones se pueden hacer de lunes a viernes desde las 8:00 am hasta las 5:00 pm. Los viajes médicos tienen prioridad.

Área de servicios: Fort Collins, Laporte, Loveland, Timnath, Wellington
Sitio web: http://heartandsoulparatransit.com/
Número de teléfono: 970-690-3338
Dirección de correo electrónico: info@heartandsoulparatransit.com
Service Details
Heart & SOUL Paratransit is a commercial transportation provider operating in and near Fort Collins, Timnath, Wellington, Loveland, and Laporte for the fares outlined below. Door-through-door assistance is available.
$20.00 por recogida en Fort Collins; $3.00 por milla. $30.00 por recogida en Loveland y en áreas periféricas.
Horario de servicios
Lunes a sábado desde las 5:00 am hasta las 6:00 pm; llame entre las 9:00 am y las 5:00 pm
Se prefiere que se reserven los viajes con al menos 48 horas de anticipación, pero los viajes el mismo día se pueden acomodar según haya disponibilidad.

Área de servicios: All of Weld County, Ault, Dacono, Eaton, Evans, Firestone, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Garden City, Hudson, Johnstown, Keenesburg, Kersey, La Salle, Mead, Milliken, Nunn, Pierce, Platteville, Raymer, Severance, Windsor
Sitio web: https://www.60plusride.org/
Número de teléfono: 970-352-9348
Service Details
60+ Ride of Weld County is a demand-response non-profit volunteer driver organization operating in Weld County. 60+ Ride provides fare-free door-to-door and door-through-door rides for their clients.
Clients must be Weld County residents aged 60 or older who can walk to and from and get in and out of a vehicle with no more than an arm assist and/or a light walker.
No se cobran tarifas, pero se aceptan donaciones
Horario de servicios
24 horas al día, los 7 días de la semana - dependiendo de los conductores que estén disponibles); llame de lunes a viernes entre las 9:00 am y las 4:00 pm.
Los viajes deben ser reservados por lo menos una semana antes del viaje solicitado. Se recomienda que se solicite por adelantado para asegurar la disponibilidad de un conductor voluntario.