Northern Colorado Mobility Committees
The Mobility Program reports to a Mobility Committee in each county, the Larimer County Mobility Committee (LCMC) and the Weld County Mobility Committee (WCMC). Each committee meets individually and as the combined Northern Colorado Mobility Committee Meeting (NCMC) once per quarter. The goal of the Mobility Committees is to provide a forum for transportation providers, human service agencies, and members of the public to discuss needs, network, and find creative solutions to mobility issues across the region.
All meetings are open to the public. The LCMC and WCMC are virtual meetings, the NCMC is a hybrid meeting.
The Mobility Committees are guided by the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan) The current 2021 Coordinated Plan was adopted by the NFRMPO Planning Council in December 2021, with the support of the LCMC, WCMC, and the NCMC. A new plan is currently being developed for 2025.
If you would like to get involved in a MobilityCommittee, please reach out to a Mobility Specialist at: or call 970-514-3636.
Larimer County Mobility Committee (LCMC)
The Larimer County Mobility Committee (LCMC) meets January, April, July, and October on the fourth Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. LCMC is a virtual meeting.
Presidentes del comité
- New chairs to be sworn in QTR 1 2025
- New chairs to be sworn in QTR 1 2025
Weld County Mobility Committee (WCMC)
The Weld County Mobility Committee (WCMC) meets March, June, September, and December on the fourth Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. WCMC is a virtual meeting.
Presidentes del comité
- Lisa Bitzer, Via Mobility Services*
- Nichole Seward, Weld County Area Agency on Aging*
- *Chair elections will be in March 2025.
Northern Colorado Mobility Committee (NCMC)
The combined LCMC and WCMC, known as the NCMC, meet quarterly to discuss regionally relevant matters such as the update to the Coordinated Plan, RideNoCo, Regional Transportation Needs, and other topics. NCMC meets in February, May, August, and November on the fourth Tuesday from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. NCMC is an in-person meeting with a virtual meeting option.