Mobility Initiatives
Being a regional transportation planning agency, the NFRMPO is positioned to foster regional cooperation and coordination of transportation providers, evaluate gaps in service, provide technical assistance, and plan regional solutions to advance mobility in Weld and Larimer Counties. Although the program was only launched in early 2021, the Mobility Team has been busy adding new mobility options to the region.
Via Mobility Southwestern Weld and Southeastern Larimer Pilot – 2021
The Via Mobility Pilot launched August 2, 2021 to address a lack of transportation services in rural portions of southwestern Weld County and southeastern Larimer County. Through this partnership between Via Mobility Services and the NFRMPO, the project has:
- Provided 150 rides from August 2nd to October 13th, 2021.
- Presented to approximately 120 older adults at four local senior centers
- Developed new relationships with stakeholders in the region
- Received feedback on mobility needs in the service area from 44 survey responses
The NFRMPO and Via Mobility Services are currently assessing opportunities for funding to continue this service into 2022 and beyond.
More details about the Via Pilot can be found in this press release.
Red Feather Lakes – Ongoing
North 40 Mountain Alliance, the Red Feather Lakes Library, and the NFRMPO have been working together to identify funding sources to add transportation service between Red Feather Lakes and the City of Fort Collins.
Vehicle Procurement – Ongoing
The NFRMPO provides technical assistance for human service transportation providers to obtain grant funding for vehicles. Current partners include:
- Adeo
- Envision
- Town of Milliken Senior Center
If your organization is interested in pursuing funding for a new vehicle to serve your clients, please reach out to
Update to the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan – 2021
The NFRMPO has been working to update the regional Coordinated Public Transit/ Human Services Transportation Plan. The federally required Coordinated Plan brings together representatives from human service agencies, transit agencies, and other stakeholders to identify needs and set strategies and goals for improving the mobility of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and lower income people in the region. The Coordinated Plan guides the activities of the Larimer County and Weld County Mobility Committees over the next four years. More details about the NFRMPO’s Coordinated Plan can be found on the NFRMPO website.
Quarterly Mobility Newsletter
Every quarter, the NFRMPO provides updates on mobility news in the Northern Colorado region and beyond, including up to date information about RideNoCo.
Do you have suggestions for improving mobility in Weld or Larimer County?
RideNoCo staff want to hear your suggestions and ideas to improve access & mobility in the region. Please email your suggestions to