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About RideNoCo

RideNoCo is a central information hub to discover transportation options in the Northern Colorado region and beyond.

A program of the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO), RideNoCo is the culmination of years of planning, relationship building, and resolve by stakeholders across Larimer and Weld Counties to improve mobility and access throughout the region. Learn more about the road to RideNoCo.


RideNoCo emphasizes the focus of the program to help individuals find rides to the destinations they want and need to go in Northern Colorado and beyond.

  • Ride centers the movement itself and not the type of service being provided (volunteer driver, fixed route bus, taxi, etc.)
  • NoCo frames the regional focus and vision of the program and is inclusive of communities in both Larimer and Weld counties. 
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Connecting You & Northern Colorado

Connecting You & Northern Colorado embodies the two overarching goals of the program:

  1. Improving Individual Mobility, particularly for groups such as older adults, individuals with disabilities, lower income individuals, rural residents, and people who may not speak English as a first language. 
  2. Improving Regional Mobility through enhanced coordination and collaboration among regional public and private transportation providers, especially in rural areas of Larimer & Weld counties. 
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Phased Roll out of RideNoCo

The RideNoCo website and the Call Center were the first phase in bringing a One Call/One Click Center to Larimer and Weld counties in 2021. Phase two was the introduction of the Trip Discovery Tool which provides the ability to find and plan trips on public transit and human service providers in the region utilizing GTFS-Flex technology. The final phase completed in 2024, was the RideNoCo Coordination Project or Transactional Data Specification Project (TDS).

After many years of planning, The RideNoCo Coordination Project launched in Q3 of 2024. Utilizing Transactional Data Specification (TDS), the RideNoCo Call Center is now directly connected with the scheduling systems of participating transportation providers. This technology allows our Mobility Specialists to conduct initial intake over the phone and electronically send the new rider information to the referred provider, thus cutting down the time and number of phone calls necessary to get new riders registered and begin utilizing providers in the region. Those participating providers can also share trips with each other as well as coordinate trips with multiple providers opening up new destinations and service connections for riders and agencies alike.

The implementation of the RideNoCo Coordination Project earned us the Transit Project of the Year award at the Fall 2024 Colorado Association of transit Agencies (CASTA) Conference.

Thank you SAINT, RAFT and 60+ Ride and other project partners for your participation!

Contact Us for Further Assistance

A Mobility Specialist is available between the hours of 8 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday at (970) 514-3636 or We have over-the-phone translation and interpretation services thsat are available in over 300 languages.

Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing can get connected with a Mobility Specialist by calling Relay Colorado at 711.

RideNoCo Staff

Mobility Director

(970) 999-0072

Aaron Hull
Mobility Planner
(970) 672-0677

Staff photo

Lisa Deaton
Mobility Specialist
(970) 300-1076

Follow Along on Social Media:

RideNoCo posts information about regional mobility providers, updates, and engagement opportunities for Northern Colorado.

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